Tatum Monod

Tatum Monod

Although skiing is a Monod family pastime, it was never an expectation that Tatum take up the sport. But she got the itch, and starting skiing at age 12 - and by the end of her first year she was racing competitively. She's since left the groomed trails behind for the ultra-wild, incredibly dangerous world of free-skiing, and has created a name of her own in the sport. In 2014 and 2017 she was named Freeskier of the Year, Freeskier "People's Choice" in 2015, and Powder Magazine's Best Female Performance in 2017. When she's not dominating the powder, you can find her getting some quality fly-fishing time in with her dad. While an incredible and resilient athlete, what also stands out about Tatum is her positive attitude, friendly nature, and her gratitude for a career that takes her into the most beautiful places on earth.



What goes through your head when you first wake up in the morning when you ski?




I wonder how much it snowed last night?




Where is your favorite place to ski?




British Columbia




Tell us a favorite story from a day out.




Last season I went up to a remote backcountry hut called Blanket Glacier Chalet with my dad and my brother. We ski toured for three days and lapped some really good terrain with some great pow. I remember hooting and hollering while ripping through the trees skiing behind my dad, that was just the best.




How do you up your game year after year?




I attempt to try something new on my skis every year, whether that's being more creative with my line choice, working on my style, trying a new trick or incorporating natural features into my line.




Who are your heroes? Who do you look up to?




I look up to anyone who is at the top of their game, whether it's an athlete, an actor, a scientist, a designer or a musician, I am inspired by anyone who is unique, creative and pushing the boundaries at what they do.




What haven't you accomplished that you aspire to do in your lifetime?




I would like to start a foundation that enables girls to get into the outdoors. Not everyone has the funds, opportunity, or the confidence to get involved in sports especially a sport as expensive as skiing. I think it is important to encourage the younger generation to get outside.




If there is any love-hate relationship with any aspect of what you do, can you describe what that is?




Every year we lose friends to the mountains, and that makes me question if what we do is worth it. Dealing with death and injury is an on-going battle in this sport.